
How can I close holes in my model?

Especially when using statistical room acoustics or raytracing methods in EASE, calculations may provide erroneous results if the room is not closed properly. This is not as important when only the coverage of the sound system is investigated.

If you import a model that contains other modelling elements like the ones mentioned in the following FAQ: What do I have to consider when importing DWG models? , this may result in a hole in your room geometry. Holes can of course also occur during the modelling process within EASE.

To identify and close the holes, a good reference is the Room Volume Indicator. If the indicator is red, the model either has faces that are orientated incorrectly or holes in the geometry.


Image Red Indicator


Check for holes in the surface of the room using the PRESENTATION > GEOMETRY ANALYSIS > HOLE OUTLINES mode. Missing parts or inverted faces will be indicated with a red border.


Image Hole


If faces are missing, you will need to add them. In EASE 5 the main function for creating new faces is the SURFACES > INSERT > POLYGON tool. Click on the menu button to activate the mode. After that, you can draw a new face vertex by vertex.

If faces are existing, but happen to be inverted, which means the acoustically active side is pointing outwards the room, select the face and change the orientation by navigating to SURFACES > ORIENTATION > INVERT FACE.

Note: The Room Volume Indicator could also be yellow, which means there are small gaps or inconsistencies, which are small enough to receive sufficient results. If the bar is red, the missing or inconsistent pieces of the room are big enough to put calculations based on statistical acoustics in question. The Eyring equation for the reverberation time cannot be applied reliably in these cases. Also, when running ray-tracing calculations, sound particles may leave the room unintendedly and thus lead to erroneous results.


Additional information about the room modelling conventions of EASE 5 can be found in this video tutorial:
Building a room model based on 2D drawings in EASE 5 (video)

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